Interoperability and openness

We are custodians of Ethiopians’ health data and will make it available to others whenever consistent with the other principles and permitted by law. We encourage honest and active transparency in our processes and our development.

Humility and sharing

We believe in creating a safe space for discussion, critique, and problem-solving to harness our collective wisdom. Data will be shared across the health and social care continuum to support clinical decision-making and enable the provision of the right care, in the right place, at the right time, by the right people.

Standards/ privacy and security

We will implement agreed national interoperability standards and policies and adopt recognized practices related to health data, including privacy, security, information governance, and service management.

Common capabilities/Inclusion

We believe in creating a safe space for discussion, critique, and problem solving to harness our collective wisdom. We will use agreed national information common capabilities such as identity, directory, and health record services. We will use certain key systems of record as recognized sources of truth.

Adaptive system/User need

We will ensure that high-quality, anonymized information can flow freely to enable an adaptive and data-driven health system, with support for MoH. We design highly adaptable processes and technologies that work in the most challenging environments.