Course Overview
- Introduction to Interoperability and Enterprise Architecture I or related courses
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Apply enterprise architecture principles
- Understand data exchange standards and their types
- Technical interoperability models/architectures/frameworks
- Understand Enterprise Modeling for Interoperability
- Design configurable interoperability platforms
- Identify tools and methods for Enterprise Modelling
- Describe the impact of Enterprise Modelling on addressing interoperability issues
- Implement interoperability solution and OpenHIM
- Discuss how to keep up with changing health guidelines, global/national policies, financial arrangements, technologies, and standards
- Work with software APIs
- Work on real use case scenarios and implement interoperability solutions
- Understand applications of EA in digital health systems
- Explain shared services, interoperability services, and other components of enterprise architecture
- Identify patient matching and identifiers
Indicative contents
- Data exchange standards
- What are standards?
- Data exchange standards
- Types of data exchange standards
- Common data exchange standards
- Enterprise Modelling for Interoperability
- Tools and methods for Enterprise Modelling
- Impact of Enterprise Modelling to address interoperability issues
- Technical Interoperability
- Technical Interoperability Models/Architectures/Frameworks
- Principles of configurable interoperability platforms –
- Work with software APIs: DHIS2, OpenMRS, OpenSRP, OpenEMR, and other open-source platforms
- Implement an interoperability solution and OpenHIM
- Use case scenario between EMR & DHIS2, EMR & eCHIS, eAPTS & EMR
- Emergent issues in interoperability
- Discuss how to keep up with changing health guidelines, global/national policies, financial arrangements, technologies and standards
- Enterprise Architecture in Digital Health Systems
- Shared services, interoperability services, and other components of enterprise architecture
- Patient matching and identifiers
- Applications of EA in digital health systems